Oakleys Contract With The Military Cheap Sunglasses Are Bad For Your Eyes?

Cheap sunglasses are bad for your eyes? - oakleys contract with the military

I have many times before, but usually the girl with the Trust Fund or promotions Oakley sports contract, or heard the rich / divorced workaholic father who has always been cool toys.

Therefore, it is advisable to use a certain type of eye protection in general color, helps block UV rays, especially in this time of SPF-95.

It is my weak dollar sunglasses store, is used primarily for comfort, for me, actually even worse than no sunglasses at all?

What happens if the couple wasted $ 20 on grocery store and took himself to discover a mistake, they avoid the meeting for the next few months?

The question is, are cheap sunglasses bad bad for the eyes, or are simply much lower than the Ray Bans or Oakley and Gucci authenticin terms of protection, but still better than nothing?


Cat. •That's all... said...

♫ Bonjour de France

Yes! This filter is sunlight bad ...

Have a nice day,


Erika said...

If the crystals do not say to prevent that 100% of UV rays can damage the eyes. If the eyes are a pair of sunglasses pupils dilate to bring more light into many. This light can damage your eyes! You can buy cheap sunglasses that you from harmful UV rays, protects only be sure to read the label.

   ☜███☞     ╜ ╙ said...

Yes Sunglasses strabismus not less, but cheap sunglasses (those who have no protection against UV blocked anyway) do UV rays. Combine the two, cheap sunglasses, your eyes get more UV than without.

jack99sk... said...

Cheap Sunglasses are not as good for the eyes, as the big brands. Even if you do this with UV protection.

There is no difference in the quality and safety. The brand name are probably made in the same factories anyway.

Nurop Shnup said...

A place with UV protection, tinted lenses cause the pupils to open up more, and thus the harmful rays.
The price is not the problem, which is UV protection important.
Designer Eyewear vanity, not health.

Zack said...

If they say ur good anti-UV

Yeti said...

Some offer better protection against UV or lower than others. And yes, the "Trademarks" in general better than the budget.

You've probably because of his sunglasses half of the dollar stores, where they actually quite UVA / UVB.

But the dollar store sunglasses offer is likely to poorer visual acuity, can eye strain (and cause damage).

And the great danger that they will not have enough UVA / UVB. In this case, you open your eyes more light through the low transmission occurs, but in fact took more harmful radiation that would arise if nothing was wearing. So yes, in cases like those of May Cheap Sunglasses worse than nothing.

Of course there are some expensive it can be worse than nothing if you do not provide adequate protection and therefore the quality of the lens.

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