Very important HomeWork???Thanks for helping me out? - secondary stage syphilis pictures
1) untreated, gonorrhea can:
Hepatitis A.
Infertility B.
C. Non-Gonokokkenurethritis
D. Opportunistic Infection
2) An STD can be treated with antibiotics:
Gonorrhea A.
B. chancre
C. Genital herpes
Syphilis D.
3) An STD that attacks the liver is as follows:
A. Vaginitis
Tichomoniasis B.
Sarna C.
D. Hepatitis B
4) The stage of syphilis is more difficult to detect an infection is as follows:
Primary syphilis A.
Syphilis lantent B.
C. Secondary syphilis
D. Late syphilis
5) The virus that causes AIDS is as follows:
6) AIDS can be transmitted:
Hugs A.
As shaking hands
C. Sharing needles
D. Blood
7) The pregnancy is divided into two periods as_____________ known.
8) Two brothers, the development of the fertilized egg is the same ____________.
9) A "picture" of the developing fetus is in a thin cloth as a closed bag the_______________.
10) Another name for the design is______________.
11) The legal process in which a child is ___________ in a family.
12) A term to describe the medical care during pregnancy is______________.
13) The true birth of the child is known as_______________.
14) pregnancies in which the blastocyst is implanted into the fallopian tubes is an_______________.
15) The problem of pregnancy characterizedhigh blood pressure, protein in urine and swelling is________________.
Secondary Stage Syphilis Pictures Very Important HomeWork???Thanks For Helping Me Out?
9:21 PM
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