Bluetrek S21 Ps3 PS3 Bluetooth Headset Fight Night Help?

PS3 Bluetooth Headset Fight Night Help? - bluetrek s21 ps3

I have a Bluetooth headset Bluetrek S21 and I paired with the PS3 and it works well. ALOS I've tried the voice changer and I can hear my voice. The problem is that when I am in the same room to go Fight Night Round 3, I spoke to anyone, I do not know how to speak for me. All proposals, particularly those who have the game?


aladdin s said...

The same problem man, who call it a PlayStation and asked me EASPORTS So I did, and she told me that inst compatible gaming headphones, so it's like sometimes I see people with helmet icon, and it is as it should be another way I realize that I was mad because u a headset on the PS2 can talk, but if you look at the PS3 or does not say anything about a headset, everyone and everything he thinks about his Wack, because I think I know u use They understand a headset DINT, and I can not believe that people from EA and PlayStation strength helps us all.

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