Sharp Pain From Belly Button To Uretha Sharp Pain Above Belly Button And 8 Weeks Pregnant?

Sharp Pain Above Belly Button and 8 weeks Pregnant? - sharp pain from belly button to uretha

I am almost 8 weeks pregnant and I feel a sharp pain, almost like the pressure on my navel. I think 3 indegestion Tums, and did not stop. It hurts so much and no matter what position I was, not disappear. Are you related to pregnancy or what?

Any ideas would be wonderful. This is my first:)


[27.O6.10] mαmαtobe♥ said...

Now, after 8 weeks of pregnancy is the uterus below the navel, which means that there should be nothing wrong with the baby. It could be just about anything that moves around your body and your feelings, or how the response extends said about me, your uterus. I had pain like 9 weeks and my baby is fine. Now I am almost 14 weeks pregnant! : D If your really worried ask your doctor or midwife, but I'm sure that everything is in order. :)

mrsradie... said...

Sounds like just uturus Stretchin accmodate for the baby, if your really worried call your doctor

mrsradie... said...

Sounds like just uturus Stretchin accmodate for the baby, if your really worried call your doctor

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